We are back at it! Today we focus on organizing hall closets. Hall closets tend to be narrow and sometimes double as linen closets. Today we will focus on a multi-purpose closet that doesn’t include linens, but you can tweak it to fit your home.
As always, the first step is to clear out the space and clean the shelves. The rest of the steps are detailed below.
Sort through items
Sort through items and create a KEEP, DONATE and THROW AWAY bin or section. Decide what you want in this space so that you don’t make space for something that doesn’t need to be in this closet.
Choose the right storage
I like using baskets that match but are not necessarily the same. In this closet I used the following two baskets depending on what I was storing.
These are both from Target.
Place items inside the containers.
Place items inside the containers sorted by type.
One basket can be for band aids.
Another can be for lightbulbs.
Another for batteries. We go through so many batteries with our kid’s toys!
Bins are great for small outdoor toys. I like these plastic bins for kids outdoor chalk so that the bin can be easily cleaned.
Maximize your space when placing bins back into the closet.
Place containers back into the closet. I try to play with the placement so that I can get the greatest amount of bins into the closet. Also, consider what bins you will use most or if some items need to be kept out of kids reach.
High shelves are great for infrequently used items like blankets or a bin with travel items.
Label the baskets or the shelf.
Avoid unnecessary shuffling of bins by labeling the shelf. This will help the space stay organized!
Another idea is to add a cleaning basket to the hall closet if it is near a bathroom.
Enjoy the results of your hard work!
If you missed any of the other Organized Home posts, click below:
Week 1 – Organizing the Refrigerator
Week 2 – Organizing Kitchen Cabinets
Week 3- Organizing the Pantry
Week 4- The Master Bedroom
Week 5- Organizing the Entryway
Week 6 – Organizing Kid’s Bedrooms
Week 7 – Organizing the Laundry Room
sedrate organizes says
My goodness you make it possible for a home to be the most beautiful thing on the planet.
Maria says
You are the best! Thank you so much for your sweet comment.
MorganizewithMe says
This is such a fabulous looking space. I love the mix and matching of light and dark baskets. Target knows storage!