Let’s make this the year that we get organized. Not just organized, but simplified. Let’s finally get rid of all that clutter and unnecessary items, that are filling up our homes and leaving us little breathing room. Just organizing is not always the answer, because sometimes we are organizing junk, instead of discarding it. Maybe what’s excess or unnecessary for you, is necessary to someone else – let’s donate.
I have to confess that while organizing is my strength, purging is my weakness. I tend to keep items, especially sentimental ones, way longer than I should. I am working on this. I am trying to practice what I preach. I don’t think I will ever be a minimalist, but I don’t want to hold on to things that I am not using and probably never will.
Just imagine your whole house organized, everything has a home, nothing is out-of-place. Doesn’t that give you a feeling of peace? Granted, I have never lived in the utopia that I just described, but I am just stating that to show the connection between organization and peace. Mess begets mess and that brings about feelings of despair and hopelessness. Order begets order and that brings about feeling of peace and optimism. At least that’s what it does for me.
So join me in the challenges that I will share with you this year and know that YOU CAN DO IT! Organizing is not overwhelming if you take it one step at a time.
Let’s do it! Let’s make this the year!
I just found your site ohhhh about 8 hours ago and in that 8 hours you (via my iPhone) have traveled with me to Target, Homegoods and various other spots in my quest to catch up on all these weeks. Unfortunately I have concluded that I am more like the Mouse in “if you give a mouse a cookie” and not so much like Maria ** sigh ** some of my cabinets are empty, lots of things are on my counter, the homegoods bags are on the kitchen table and I am thinking a Wine Station might be in order 🙂 Alas, tomorrow is another day and with each of your blogs I read, I get more and more inspired… so thank you!
Shelli, thank you for your sweet comment! Thank you SO much! You have no idea how uplifting and encouraging it is to hear that what I share on here has inspired you in some way. Oh, and Homegoods…one of my favorite stores!