Even a good system, won’t work for you forever. You may remember last year I shared how I stored my vitamins right on our counter. You can read about that here. But it just wasn’t working for us anymore because of the amount of vitamins and supplements that we take.
I moved to organizing vitamins inside the kitchen cabinet and they were taking over my coffee station. Remember when I posted about the coffee station? I think my mom was the only one that read that post (thanks Mom!), so you can read more about the coffee station here. I wanted the clean look of my coffee cabinet back, so I found a Turntable that fit perfectly inside and with a height that would allow two tiers of vitamins. This was the one that worked for me.
See how it was a perfect fit?
I placed the larger vitamins in the bottom tier, since I had more height to work with. There are 28 vitamins in here and there is room for one more. What a small footprint for so much storage!
Hope you like this little tip! Where do you currently store your vitamins?
Until next time!
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I read your coffee station post. I didn’t comment because it inspired me to go make a pot of coffee right away lol. Ive tried storing vitamins on a turntable in the OTC meds/first aid cabinet and they are currently tossed in a cute basket on top of the microwave. Both places they just get forgotten about. After seeing this I’m going to place them between my plates and cereal bowls the way you have them placed between your coffee and mugs. I bet that will be just perfect. As usual, a great idea that looks pretty and WORKS. Thanks M.
So my mom wasn’t the only one that read it?! 🙂 Thank you so much for your comment and I think we will both be using our vitamins more often!
xo ~ Maria
I love your idea. I store mine in the cupboard like you but they are just piled on top of each other. I may have a “borrow” your idea.
I read your coffee station post too, altho’ I don’t have any coffee makers, we just have instant. I store my vitamins in a small shelf I put up between the two shelves in the cup/mug cupboard. love your blog. A place for everything and everything in its place.
Thank you so much Theresa!