Last month, we cleaned our wooden cutting boards, and we are here to tackle another forgotten kitchen workhorse. The kitchen is clean and picked up, but there is a little forgotten area in the kitchen that waits patiently amongst splatters of tomato sauce…the microwave. And it’s actually really easy to clean, without using any harmful chemicals. Here is my step-by-step suggestion on how to clean a microwave.
This is my microwave BEFORE cleaning. It really wasn’t that bad this time, but it could use a little cleaning and deodorizing.
There were splatters along the walls and under the turntable.
There are a couple of different ways to clean or deodorize the microwave. Sometimes the microwave doesn’t need a big cleaning, but it’s smelling a little “funky”. I hate heating up coffee in a microwave that smells like “food”. You know what I mean? Like I feel the flavors will jump into my cup-o-joe. Eww.
My favorite way to deodorize the microwave, is to place half a lemon on a plate with a tablespoon of water. Then microwave for 60 seconds. (In this case, I placed the lemon right on the turntable because I was going to wash it afterwards.)
Then the lemon will be super soft and the microwave will be steamy enough to wipe down and it will smell pretty darn good.
Don’t waste that squishy lemon! I cut it in half and throw in the garbage disposal to deodorize that as well.
If your microwave needs more than just deodorizing, a steam bath is in order. Place a couple of tablespoons of vinegar into a microwave-safe bowl and fill the bowl halfway with water.
Microwave this for 5 minutes and let stand for a couple of minutes. Don’t stand in front of the microwave while it’s heating up the water, just in case your microwave is super strong and 5 minutes is too much.
Then carefully remove the bowl and wipe down the walls of the microwave with a super cute argyle-patterned sponge in a oblong shape.
Then remove the glass turntable and give it a good wash or place in the dishwasher.
Check out the AFTER! So clean and no nasty chemicals.
Other Options: If you don’t have vinegar, you can also put a halved lemon in the bowl of water before microwaving it, and if you have neither – a bowl of water alone will suffice. It’s basically the steam that will help to clean the microwave, the other additives are a plus. Also, don’t stay away from vinegar because of the smell, it will quickly dissipate once it dries.
Of course, the best way to keep up a clean microwave, is too quickly wipe up spills before they stick AND convince your family members to use a lid over the food.
Now that you have steam cleaned your microwave, don’t forget to wipe down the outside. There are so many ways to keep cleaning easy and natural and this is just one of them.
Do you already clean your microwave using one of these methods? Do you have another method that I didn’t mention? Share it with me…
Happy Cleaning!
Keep in mind that super-heated liquid can cause an explosion and all microwaves heat up at different rates and intensities. You can almost always prevent this from happening, by simply leaving a wooden spoon in the cup or bowl when you boil liquid in your microwave. I have never had an explosion, but this suggestion won’t hurt.
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