Smoothies have become so popular in the last couple of years. It makes sense because we are all becoming more conscious of the ingredients that we consume and we want to avoid sugar-laden carbonated drinks. We are also very busy and smoothies are portable, quick to make, and pack a lot of nutrition.
I think the healthiest smoothie that you can drink, is the one that you make yourself. Why? How many of you (like me) have gone into a smoothie chain, assuming you were getting a healthy drink, only to realize that they were using strawberries dunked in sugar syrup, or adding sugar and ice so that they could use less fruit. Nope, I won’t pay 5.00 for that! I prefer to spend the money buying quality ingredients and making my smoothies at home.
After buying all these awesome ingredients, I needed an equally awesome way to store them.
The cabinet where I kept all my smoothie supplies, was usually my “messy” cabinet. It was not an absolute disaster, but it wasn’t practical either. All the little packages of cocoa, flax-seed, chia seed, needed a new home.
Here is what the space used to look like.
Packages everywhere. Some of them were not even resealable. I needed containers.
I found these OXO containers at Target and I purchased them in two different sizes to accommodate the different products. If you want to purchase them online, you can find them HERE, in my amazon store.
You may remember that they are the same containers that I used to create my Coffee Station. You can read about that HERE.
I also decided that I wanted to move the shelves around, to better fit the new containers. I removed the cabinet door so that the shelves would slide out.
I also went ahead and gave the cabinet a good cleaning.
I placed the shelves back after measuring the height that I needed.
I then emptied all the packages into the new containers and added labels.
Everything went back in the cabinet.
Notice how narrow I made the shelf holding the mugs. The coffee cabinet is right next to this one and I keep my mugs in here. I like everything to match, except coffee mugs. I like collecting different ones.
In the very top, I placed the larger cans and containers. Since I lowered that shelf, I can now reach up and grab whatever I need. Before I did this, I could never reach the top shelf.
I finished the project by hanging a clipboard to the cabinet. I found this clipboard in the dollar section at Target. I plan to keep smoothie recipes here.
Here is the finished product!
It really is a pleasure to open up this cabinet now, considering how it looked before.
Please share with me if you make smoothies at home and what are your favorite types. This week, I will share on Facebook a couple of my favorite smoothie recipes so stay tuned!
Shaking it up! (my corniness has no limits)
This is such a great idea for those of us who make all sorts of smoothies. Love how you made it look so fresh and orderly. I got even more ideas about what to add to my own smoothies by seeing what you are using. Have you considered using coconut? Yummy. Two questions: Where did you find your litte containers? They are just perfect. AND what is in the larger one on the lower right side?
Hope you have had a great weekend.
Thank you Joan! I love coconut products! How do you add it to your smoothies? As far as the containers, you can find them at Target (usually next to the utensil dividers). Also, the larger container is the same brand as the smaller ones. In the picture it is full of espresso but I normally keep coconut palm sugar in there. The picture was taken before I switched out the contents. Hope that helps!
Thank you responding so Quickly! I add coconut milk/water and coconut flakes if the mood strikes. Most of my ‘Smoothies” are often ‘green drinks’. I find it faster, more nutricious, and easier clean-up than juicing. If I am using only fruit, etc. then the coconut is a good addition. If it is a combination of fruit and veg then I leave the coconut out. My fruit/veg combos really provide a Huge lift of energy and fiber. For the base I use a combo of frozen fruit; mango, pineapple, strawberries, peach, papaya (available in big bag from Wal-Mart) , a couple of chunks of frozen banana, fresh spinach, parsley, stalk of celery, 2 inch chunk of cucumber, small slice of fresh ginger, maybe a bit of chard or kale. Just a bit. Coconut water can be used here, or just filtered water. Then, after blending really well, I drink about 2 cups and put the rest in glass jars to use throughout the day. This has also helped curb the cravings for sugar and salty things. I started with fruit and just one or two greens. Then added more. Took awhile, but has really made a difference. Even digestion has improved. Plus having those jars as a ready go-to when I want a snack is great.
Thank you for all the suggestions! I need new ways to curb the sugar cravings and smoothies are so helpful! I will try the combinations that you mentioned and thanks again for detailing them for me! Hope you are enjoying the blog so far.
My husband and I have recently thought about drinking smoothies in the mornings to replace our insane coffee addiction! We’ve been looking and researching all sorts of different tasty combinations and can’t wait to dive in. This sort of organization will even further prove to my husband that it can be done, and look great too!
We are definitely making more smoothies since I organized the cabinet. Thank you for your comment! 🙂
Beautiful and what a great way to start the day!